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NOSA/ECSL/UIO Space Law Symposium

22/08/2022 1577 views 2 likes
ESA / About Us / ECSL - European Centre for Space Law

The exclusive NOSA/ECSL/UIO Space Law Symposium will take place in person in Oslo, Norway on 27 October 2022. The event will delve into "Adapting Regulations for the Rising Number of Spaceports", with experts discussing the fundamentals of space law during the morning panel, whilst the afternoon panels focus on the industry and regulators' perspective pertaining to adapting regulations for the rising number of spaceports, a topic of utmost importance and growing in interest. 

During the Symposium, industry professionals and experts will present an overview over their insights into the latest developments impacting outer space activities, especially in regard to the commercialisation of the sector. The day will start with a panel introducing the participants to the basics and core principles of space law. Experts will focus on the legal background and the fundamentals of different questions essential to understanding the main core issues of the two afternoon panels.

The second panel will focus on the regulators' perspective regarding issues connected to spaceports and launchers, which is of growing interest in light of the increase in launch services and the rising commercial use and creation of spaceports. Regulators across Europe will gather to discuss and share their views and possible solutions.

The third panel will focus on the industry perspective of the same issues, especially considering how to apply the existing rules and regulations, taking into account that until recently, space used to be synonymous with government spending, but the rising "New Space" actors and major technology advancements are due to a new entrepreneurial spirit rapidly shaping the space sector, which goes hand-in-hand with a possible need to rethink the current systems in place.


Information and modalities of the registration can be found here: