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Swedish students eagerly awaiting their turn to ask a question to Andreas Mogensen on the ISS

Students amazed by Andreas Mogensen's live call from space

13/12/2023 409 views 19 likes
ESA / Education / Teachers' Corner

On Monday 4 December, teachers and students from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden had the opportunity to talk live with Danish ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen who is currently onboard the International Space Station (ISS) for his Huginn mission.

Andreas Mogensen showing the Astro Bit hardware during the call.
Andreas Mogensen showing the Astro Bit hardware during the call.

The in-flight call was part of the “Tech in Space” themed events organised by four European Space Resource Offices (ESEROs) connecting from the Experimentarium in Hellerup, Denmark, Heureka Science Centre in Vantaa, Finland, KRONA Knowledge and Cultural Centre in Kongsberg, Norway, and Teknikens Hus in Luleå, Sweden.

Students and teachers had the chance to ask Andreas questions about his mission and about technologies and research in space. The audience also received a special visual message from the ISS when Andreas displayed a heart on the LED matrix of ESA Education’s new Astro Bit hardware. The Astro Bit, which contains a space-qualified BBC micro:bit, will be used to perform student-written code for the Ultra:space educational project later in the Huginn mission.

Presentations during the local event Experimentarium in Hellerup, Denmark
Presentations during the local event Experimentarium in Hellerup, Denmark

Andreas had the chance to answer 10 questions focusing on space technologies, ranging from “what is the most incredible equipment a spacesuit has?” to “What other challenges would there be for a space station around the Moon instead of the Earth?”. To see the answers to these questions and more, watch the replay of the call here.

Several hundred students and teachers onsite at each of the four locations also participated in events, organised by the local ESEROs: ESERO Denmark, ESERO FinlandESERO Norway, and ESERO Sweden. The events featured various activities, including talks from space experts and industry, STEM workshops, and guided educational activities using space as an inspirational context.

The in-flight call with Andreas Mogensen is part of a wide range of educational activities delivered by ESA and the ESERO project across Europe, and is a part of the ESA-Denmark joint educational activities for the Huginn mission.

Learn more about the ESERO project here.

Learn more about the Huginn mission here.