ESA title
ESA supports the commercialisation of European micro and mini launchers
Enabling & Support

ESA supports the commercialisation of European micro and mini launchers

22/05/2023 948 views 4 likes
ESA / Enabling & Support / Preparing for the Future / Discovery and Preparation

Are you a European launch service provider of European privately developed micro or mini launchers? ESA is interested in supporting your growth and competitiveness!

Why such a call?

In line with the commercialisation priority outlined in Agenda 2025, the primary objective of this call for ideas is to enhance the competitiveness of the European space transportation sector and identify to which extent European launch services based on privately developed micro and mini launchers could respond to ESA’s small payload needs, once they become operational. 

The European commercial space transportation sector is in a phase of significant growth, with a continuous increase in both the number of new entrants and the number of space transportation initiatives. The public sector has been active in fostering the emerging commercial space transportation market through a range of public instruments at national, ESA and EU levels. ESA is determined to further accelerate the advancement of new European commercial launch services, which will in turn contribute to increase competitiveness in the European space transport sector. 

What can ESA provide?

As a first step, ESA intends to provide launch service providers with up to €300 000 covering the following activities: 

  • Demonstration of the maturity of the launch systems under development, which may include support (if required by the applicant) for testing and access to test facilities, quality assurance, debris mitigation approach, compliance with national laws and regulations, risk management, etc. 
  • Launch service compatibility analysis. 

Who should answer this call?

With this call, ESA invites European micro and mini launch service providers to express their interest in offering launch services to ESA for small payloads or small payload aggregates currently under development or to be developed, by submitting outline service offers. The closing date for submissions is 18 June 2023.

Any European launch service provider of European, privately developed micro or mini launchers, whose supply chain is European (a waiver may be accepted for up to 30% of the launcher cost) and from which the launch of European payloads would take place from European territory (defined for this purpose as the territory of EU and ESA Member States), is invited to apply. 

What information is ESA looking for?

The submissions need to contain concise descriptions of: 

  • The main technical aspects of the proposed launch service, covering for example the status of launcher development, the launch mass and orbit capabilities, the launch site(s) and the interfaces. 
  • Proposed launch services, including price. 
  • The general commercial and market perspective of the proposed launch service summarised in a business plan. 
  • The supply chain of the launcher’s major elements, indicating which ones are non-European elements. 

What happens next?

Following submission and eligibility assessment, one-to-one dialogues will be held with eligible respondents, to gain a broader understanding of the proposed outline service offers and development support needs. ESA will evaluate the submissions against the evaluation criteria listed on the call. 

This call is supported by ESA’s Directorate for Commercialisation, Industry and Procurement, by ESA’s Directorate for Space Transportation and by ESA’s Directorate for Technology, Engineering and Quality. It is being run via the Preparation element of ESA's Basic Activities. The Preparation element provides ESA Member States and the scientific community with the necessary information for the selection of new mission concepts, as well as for the approval and funding of new optional programmes. 

Find out more and submit your ideas

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